Monday, March 22, 2010


I love spring, even if it has gotten off to a cold start. Spring means new growth, and birds singing and frogs's so nice.

Along with all the lovely things nature has to offer us comes Easter. What a wonderful time of year! The celebration of our risen saviour, the reminder of his sacrifice and a love for us that words simply don't do justice. To read about it just stirs the heart and to be still and really think about what He did.........well you just can't wrap your mind around it. But to accept can FEEL it! He lives! In our hearts! Wow!

Let's face it, the world is not getting any more cheery. People are weary, and searching, and anxious, and lost. Things are going on we don't agree with, and frankly can do very little about. One group fights for a cause, another fights against the cause, and we are left to sit and wait. So to the naive wake up! To the ones trying to wake them up, keep on trying. And to the Christian who sees it all for what it is, look up! Your Redemption draweth nigh!

Have a lovely spring day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kirk Cameron....

Did anyone see the interview yesterday morning on the Today Show with Kirk Cameron? They were discussing the loss of two actors who were close to him in age. Of course there were the usual comments about what fame brings to childhood actors, and how easy it becomes to get everything you want. When Kirk was asked why he escaped drug addiction, the man sitting next to him was quick to say, "Well he's not an addict........" followed by this long explanation of our physical makeup blah blah blah. There may be something to that I guess. I'm not a doctor. However, once Kirk was given the chance to answer he shared how his parents had given him a firm foundation for dealing with life situations. Then he added that drawing close to God had saved him from that lifestyle. I was so proud that he said that and so proud it was broadcast!

I'm so thankful for people who publicly take a stand for our Lord and are willing to tell others about Him when it's not exactly the most popular thing to do. It's so important to let the world know about Jesus and how powerful He is, and how He can work in our lives if we let Him.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday............oh what bliss

Turns out the jerk Monday was only the beginning of what proved to be one of the most maddening weeks I can remember. One thing after another! Even a stupid dog attack.........geez. But now it is over and we are headed to the indoor water park for some fun with our kids. Brenna has talked about this trip for a month now and today is the day. The kids from churh are excited too. Can anything really replace the joy of children?

Have a great weekend.

(Hey Monday, I'll be watchin' you!)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello Monday.......Jerk

What a rough morning! Actually, it was preluded by Sunday evening when I found out Jacob had hurt his dad's feelings by being disrespectful and I couldn't say "Welcome to my world." I've only been dealing with this for 7 years and 5 months. Suck it up pal if you're not going to do anything about it.

The snoring! Oh that horrible snoring! I got next to no sleep which made the fight with Brenna over her socks even more dramatic than usual. She finally made it to mom's to catch the bus, but apparently was a bear there too. Geez!

Then I arrive at work. Okay....I'll stay busy, the day will fly by, and I'll go home and bury my head. Wait! What's this? Is that part of the design wall off the hanger? The same wall that apparently jumped right out and broke Connie's fingernail the other day when I forgot to hang it back up after fighting with our stupid server so we could work? It can't be........she wouldn't take it down and leave it after whining to me for 2 hours about her nail and if I would have hung it back up that never would have happened! For crying out loud!

So hello Jerk!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Let's talk about Things.......

I had a very good time with my friends whom I love dearly this weekend. We played a hilarious game which would seem to be pretty innocent. About midway through I managed to backslide and just felt awful. I believe it was then that my head began to pound, but by the end of the evening I had repented and taken two back on the straight and narrow. I opted to let Lee drive thinking I'd shut my eyes and let the tylenol kick in. That was a mistake. I barfed before we got out of the city limits of Springfield, but I did feel better. Despite the discussions I had been involved in earlier, I slept like a rock when I got home.

Sunday morning I felt fine and church was so good. The spirit of God just filled the place, and the fellowship with Him was so sweet. Who wouldn't want to be in fellowship with Him? I'm so thankful for my church family.

All in all I had a great weekend! Hope you did too.