Sunday, February 21, 2010

Training our Kids..........

Our Pastor preached to us today about being examples for our kids.........which is actually a big job. It's so easy to get in the habit of going to church, singing the songs, listening to the sermon and go back home, but when you get there your kids are there too so it becomes our job to make sure church continues.....yikes. It's one thing to tell our kids about God and His love for us and Heaven, but it's another for them to actually be able to watch us and see our faith and know God is a very real presence in our lives without us saying a word.

I fail at this often as I let the problems of the world get to me, but how will my daughter learn to deal with life if I don't allow God to shine through all the gloom? So I ask you to pray for me as I try to do better, and I will do the same for you.

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