Wednesday, August 5, 2009

out with the old..........

I've been working on getting rid of old clothes and toys and anything else that's taking up space in my home. It's quite a process, but my goal is to have a stress free atmosphere within a few weeks. Out with the old is the easy with the new is not so easy.

I'm headed out tomorrow with the boys for a couple of days of fun. It's gonna be hot, but there's plenty of water available should I decide to get in. I'm anxious to get there and get settled and spend some time with a good group of boys.

The big event of the week however was the departing of Hatch and Rose......Brenna's chickens. It was a tough decision to make for a 5 year old, but she understood it was for the best. She handled it pretty well even though her little heart was aching. They were her chickens and she loved them and I love her more than I can put into words.

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